Sports Chiropractic

If you’re looking for a sports chiropractor who serves Toledo, OH, and other areas nearby, look no further. Dr. Mike Jajuga, who is a member of the American College of Sports Physicians and the American Chiropractic Sports Council, can use a variety of chiropractic treatments to address injuries incurred while playing sports. If you have any questions, reach out to the Foundation Chiropractic Clinic. For now, let’s take a look at how chiropractors approach sports injury treatment.

The Basics of Sports Injuries

Engaging in physical activities, including playing sports, is often good for your health. That said, there are some trade-offs. While playing sports can help you lose weight, build up muscles, improve coordination, and otherwise safeguard health, you could suffer an injury. This is true for pretty much any form of physical activity. Whether you’re gardening or playing football, you may end up overexerting yourself or otherwise suffering damage.

When people play sports, they often move very fast. Should two players collide or one player takes a tumble, it could result in rather serious sports injuries. They may also incur damage from improper workout form or overly focusing on one section of the body. Not only will such injuries impact one’s performance, but they can also result in chronic pain. In these circumstances, a chiropractor may be able to provide healthy solutions.

If you’re in need of a sports chiropractor in Toledo, OH, schedule an appointment with Dr.Jajuga at the Foundation Chiropractic Clinic. The sooner you start treatment, the quicker you can get back to performing your best.

The Chiropractic Approach to Sports Injuries

If you or your loved one recently suffered a sports injury, you might start treatment by using ice packs and over-the-counter pain medications. While such treatments can provide temporary relief, you may find that they are not enough to resolve your issues.

In fact, in some cases, painkillers and the like might actually make the condition worse. Pain signals warn you when you’re over-exerting yourself or otherwise are putting yourself at risk of suffering an injury. Since pain medications essentially shut this warning system off, you may increase the risks of aggravating your sports injury or you may suffer a new injury.

Chiropractic care doesn’t simply mask pain. Instead, a chiropractor will work to resolve the underlying problems causing your pain. Since pain medications aren’t used, you can reduce the risk of dependency and over-exertion. As a result, you can enjoy pain relief not just today but going forward. Further, by increasing mobility and strength via chiropractic care, you may actually be able to improve performance.

When it comes to pain relief, there is no single cure-all. That said, chiropractic care can address many different issues. If you want to schedule a consultation with a sports chiropractor serving Toledo, OH, and other areas nearby, call 419-389-1721 to reach the Foundation Chiropractic Clinic. Dr. Mike Jajuga is ready to help.

Main Location


1515 S Byrne Rd. Suite #106,
Toledo, OH 43614