What M.D.'s Say About Us

Wendell Spangler, MD
Family Practice Resident

Dear colleague,

Dr. Michael Jajuga has asked me to write a letter of recommendation for him.  I met Dr. Jajuga back in 1994 while I was still in college.  Even before meeting him, I have been going to chiropractors.  I personally use them for my neck and headaches as well as for other problems in the past.  I have found chiropractors to be an important part of the medical profession.  Dr. Jajuga has proven himself to be a qualified and excellent chiropractor, of whom I would have no hesitation referring my patients to him, especially for musculoskeletal complaints.  He takes Worker’s Compensation and personal injury cases.  He takes time for his patients and is very approachable.  He is a certified chiropractic rehabilitation doctor as well as a certified sports physician and whiplash specialist.  He has a master certification in impairment and disability ratings.  I highly recommend Dr. Jajuga as a chiropractor and a valuable resource to the medical community.  You may feel free to contact Dr. Jajuga or myself with any questions you may have. Thank you for your time.


Wendell Spangler, MD
Family Practice Resident

The Toledo Hospital
2051 W. Central Avenue
Toledo, Ohio  43606

Toledo Orthopaedic Surgeons
Sports Medicine

Stephen R. Saddemi, M.D.
Anthony N. Frogameni, M.D.
Paul J. Fenton, M.D.
Gerald W. Sutherland, M.D
Thomas A. Padanilam, M.D.
Luke M. Ragan, M.D

May 17, 2005

Dear Colleague,

Two years ago I met Dr. Mike Jajuga at a luncheon given by another doctor.  I was immediately impressed with his sincere willingness to help his patients get the care they needed to get well.

I am confident in his diagnostic and clinical skills and therefore don’t hesitate to refer patients to him when I believe chiropractic services would be beneficial to the patients.  He holds several unique certifications in addition to his chiropractic license.  For instance, he is a certified chiropractic sports physician as well as being certified in whiplash trauma and rehabilitative therapy.

Many of the patients that I have referred to him, both pre-surgical as well as post-surgical, have responded to his treatment in a better then expected length of time.  He is certified by Workman’s Compensation, as well as accepts Medicare, Medicaid and most other types of insurance.

You can feel confident in referring patients to him and engaging in a multidisciplinary approach to medicine.

He is easy to collaborate treatment with and supports the team approach in every way.  He truly has each patient’s best interest in mind and works hard to get each patient well and keep them well.


Stephen Saddemi, M.D.

Main Location


1515 S Byrne Rd. Suite #106,
Toledo, OH 43614