• January 2018 Chiro Newsletter

    Back Pain in Cold Weather Many people who suffer from frequent pain in their backs and joints can testify that their soreness is worse in cold weather. While the reasons for this vary depending on the condition, treating and preventing pain during the winter months is of major importance to chiropractors,

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  • December 2017 Chiro Newsletter

    How the Change of Seasons Affects Our Health The clock has turned back one hour and the sun has gone into hibernation. This lack of sunshine not only dampens our mood but can lead to depression in the upcoming winter months. Serotonin is a chemical that influences a variety of body and psychological

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  • November Chiropractic Newsletter

    Chiropractic Treatment for Migraine Headaches What are migraine headaches? Everyone has had a headache at some point and we are all familiar with the throbbing feeling that can linger and really slow down your day. But there is more than one type of a headache, and chronic migraine sufferers will tell

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  • October 2017 Chiropractic Newsletter

    The Graston Technique Chiropractors practice many different methods to treat soft tissue injuries. Soft tissue mobilization uses a hands-on technique, using massage motions on muscles and ligaments in order to break down adhesions. An adhesion is your body’s attempt to heal a soft tissue injury

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  • Online Chiro September 2017 Newsletter

    Vertigo and Chiropractic Care It’s one thing to feel a bout of dizziness before, during, or after a workout, but imagine feeling dizzy for an entire day. We’re referring to vertigo, a condition in which you feel dizzy or off-balance as if the world is spinning around you. This condition can be temporary

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1515 S Byrne Rd. Suite #106,
Toledo, OH 43614

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